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Monday, February 20, 2012

Weekly Update: New "Diet"

Tomorrow, I am starting back on the "17 Day Diet." You can find out about here:  I did this back in April and lost about 10 lbs in the first 17 days. It is a GREAT way to change your eating habits. I did really well on it till the Holiday's appeared....LOL Since the holiday's I have gained some of my weight back. :(

I have not had much motivation to get back on the wagon. However, I recieved tickets to Celtic Woman in April. I really want to look good for that concert and be able to buy  NEW church outfit for Easter. Now, I have some motivation!!! :)

I recently bought "The Firm Express" ( and I look forward to getting it started tomorrow as well. As I have stated before, exercise is my weakness. However, tomorrow is the DAY. I will give you an update on my progress every week.

Wish me luck!

Happy weight losing,

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Weakness: Exercising

The key to losing weight (for me at least) is exercise. In order to exercise I have to get up early. Getting up early is a HUGE weakness. When I say early, I mean around 4 or 4:30 am depending on if I have to take my daughter to my mom in the mornings or not. Yeah, see why it's a weakness? If I can get to bed early enough, say 8 pm or so then getting up that early isn't quite so bad. But now that I work later in the afternoon I feel rushed when I get home. I don't get much "T.V. watching" done in the evenings which translates to staying up later and watching some of my shows. See the vicious cycle I run myself through? LOL

However, having said all that I am a firm believer in exercise. Not only does it help you to lose weight, it also keeps you healthy. I know a lot of people who struggle like I do with finding time to exercise and even more people who struggle with the dislike of doing it. To be honest, I am not a "natural" exercise lover. Y'all know what I mean by "natural" exercise lover. Everyone knows one! The person who seems to exercise just for fun; you can find them several times a week (if not everyday) grinding it out somewhere in a gym or in their house. You know those losers that are super skinny and  in super shape....haha!

So, if you struggle with the time aspect or the likability of exercise I have a few tips for you:
  • First, decide what time of day is best for you to exercise. Not everyone likes to exercise the same time of day.
    • Morning, day, or afternoon/evening.
    • It only takes 30 minutes, 3 times a week to change your life for the better.

  • Second, find something you like to do or at least can "handle" on a regular basis.
    • Exercise equipment, Zumba, workout videos, etc.
    • Watch T.V., read (e-reader), or listen to music when you are on equipment, it helps break up the monotony.
    • I get bored doing the same thing over and over again each week so my personal favorite are workout videos, plus they are usually only about 30 minutes long which is perfect for me. :)

  • Third, change up your exercise every 4-6 weeks.
    • If you're trying to lose weight changing your routine will help prevent a plateau.
    • Changing it up will help prevent boredom.

  • Fourth, get an exercise buddy if you need to!
    • Especially in the beginning. If you are accountable to someone else it will motivate you to stick to your schedule.

I hope these tips have helped! I hope I can get my big booty up tomorrow and try out my new exercise videos: The Firm Express. It claims to help you lose up to 15 lbs in 30 days! ha! I will keep you updated. :)

Happy exercising,

Saturday, February 4, 2012

My Confession: Intro to the new Blog

Hey everyone! Welcome to my new blog! :) One of my very close and bestest friends recently changed her blog to focus on what she loved the most: organizing, creating, and decorating. And it made me reconsider what I focus my life on the most and how I could use my blog to help my readers. I asked myself what was closest to my mind and my heart that would also benefit those who I care about the most or would be partly entertaining. While I love politics, I don't have a lot of time to follow it closely on a day to day basis. As I narrowed down my topics I kept coming back to what I obsess about weekly: my eating and exercising.

I chose this title because of a childhood friend. One time  when we were at a ballgame or at her house (it's been a while, I can't remember exactly) her dad asked her if she wanted some "tater tots and twinkies." I remember being puzzled and asking him what he was talking about.....he said that earlier in the week my friend had went into our small town and brought  tater tots and twinkies back to eat! I laughed so hard and it became an inside joke between us close friends. So, the title brings back good memories while also reminds me of my skinner days! haha!

The title also fits perfectly into my eating habits. I don't eat twinkies, per se, but I do love my carbs (hence: tater tots), my sweets (hence: twinkies) and I try to throw in something healthy (hence: salads).  When I was in elementary I was a big hunk of chunk! Mom had me play basketball to help me lose weight and then softball to help me gain strength. When I started playing basketball in school (7th grade), the baby fat came off pretty easily and stayed off all through school due to the exercise I engaged in on a daily basis. As most of us, when I graduated from high school I did not stay active and over the years I have "yo-yo"ed my weight.                

This blog is going to be dedicated to my journey with my weight and my love of food that often gets in my way. I hope you enjoy and that it will help most of you in your own journey. And if you are one of the lucky few who does not struggle with your weight, then maybe it will at least bring you some laughs! hehe :)